A Short Escape

1 min readOct 12, 2023

In the midst of life’s whirlwind, I took a break and escaped to a peaceful countryside.

Here, far from the city’s chaos, I found myself amidst a breathtaking sight. In a vast rice field, as the sun began its descent, children had gathered, ready to release their kites of bright colors and intricate designs.

With each kite that took flight, I watched as joy took hold of their faces. As they ascended, they drew arcs of color against the blue canvas above.

Tails fluttered like ribbons of happiness. Children’s laughter are accompanied by the sounds of nature, a symphony of chirping crickets and rustling rice stalks.

With the sun’s gentle descent, the kites flew higher, casting their vibrant shapes against the amber sky.

Today I again found beauty in life. As in this serene moment, away from the busy city, I was able to witness children discovering joy in the simplest of things.




with zeal, i read and write. as pages turn and pen glides. truth's grain of salt hides.